ART | Paintings | Geometrical Compositions

Balancing Act was the title of a solo exhibition I had at Y-Art Gallery in downtown Baltimore in 2018. These geometrical abstractions rich in colour and texture were all about searching for a harmonious whole. Some are simple compositions, others more elaborate and complex. I am interested in developing a dialogue between myself and the shapes, then between the shapes themselves, and finally I hope to instigate a similar dialogue between the artwork and the viewer. Like a juggler I work with these elements until I find the right balance.”

Brancusi's Studio

Acrylic on Canvas
91 x 36 cm
Signed, 2017

“I have been very impressed by a visit I paid to Atelier Brancusi in Paris.  There I experienced his work in the studio with the possibility to walk around them and see them from different views.

What struck me in particular was that while individual works maintained their unique identity, they also played a very important role as they intermingled with the rest of the works in the studio.  Brancusi had realised that while each piece has its own life, yet they are reborn and live a new life when seen with the rest of the collection.

I selected one of the corners of the studio and painted it as Brancusi had recorded it in his many black and white photos that he took. I realised that what I am trying to do in my geometrical abstractions is the creation of such relationships of forms and shapes.”